AllofaKind Family Sydney Taylor Books

AllofaKind Family Sydney Taylor Books
This was a favorite from my childhood and I wanted to collect them for my grandchildren to enjoy too. I reread this book and it still holds the delights I enjoyed as a child. Wonderful! I will gladly without reservations collect them all and look forward to reading them to the children in the days to come.
Tags : All-of-a-Kind Family (9780385732956): Sydney Taylor: Books,Sydney Taylor,All-of-a-Kind Family,Delacorte Books for Young Readers,0385732953,Family - General (see also headings under Social Themes),Family life;Fiction.,New York (N.Y.);Fiction.,Children's BooksAges 9-12 Fiction,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Family life,Fiction,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Family General,Juvenile Fiction Religious Jewish,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,New York (N.Y.),Religious - Jewish,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Family General (see also headings under Social Themes),YOUNG ADULT FICTION Religious Jewish,Children: Grades 4-6
AllofaKind Family Sydney Taylor Books Reviews
When I bought this book, I wondered if my daughter ( who was eight ) would find it too "old fashioned". As soon as I started reading it to her, she was enraptured! These are still great books for young girls. If you loved them in grade school, share them with children you love.
My 8 and 11 year old children LOVED this book read aloud to them during our homeschool mornings. We learned a lot about Jewish holidays and just really enjoyed laughing and crying with this family. They want more books with this family!
Meet Ella, Henny, Sarah, Charlotte, Gertie and their parents. This family has lots of adventures. Find out some of their Jewish traditions. Meet their friend named Charlie (he spoils the children.) What a shock the last surprise will be!
My thoughts on this book are that they are very adventurous, and the whole family tries to make the best of everything.
I would recommend this book to people who like books about HAPPY FAMILIES!
Reviewed by Lillian Brown age 9
I loved this book as a kid and it is a classic in my opinion. It tells of an age gone by and of a family, who despite not having much in the way of money, has a lot of love. This book makes you wish for simpler times when family was more important than anything and they stuck together. Where simple things mean happiness.
It is impossible to adequately describe how important the "All of a Kind Family" books have been to my daughters, beginning when they were ages three and six and continuing now years later. I have read all the books to them several times, and they have listened to Suzanne Toren's incredible readings dozens of times. We all listened to the first book so often that they pretty much memorized it, and our whole family had countless hours of fun imitating the voices and accents Toren gives the different characters and making up new stories about the family. Even I felt like we had become part of the family!
Not only did we thoroughly enjoy these books, but we also learned a tremendous amount about life on the Lower East Side in the 1910s and Jewish traditions. Each of the books has a plot line involving a different set characters outside the family, but it is the small, everyday moments that bring the stories to life. The family is always loving and supportive, and although the characters face some challenges, there is never any content too disturbing for younger children.
Sydney Taylor should hold her place beside Laura Ingalls Wilder in the canon of historical fiction for children!
I read All-of-a-Kind-Family when I was eight, and that was more than six decades ago. Let that sink in for a moment. I loved it, even though as a little Methodist Southern girl I knew absolutely nothing about Jewish families in very early 20th century New York City. But such was the charm of the author's voice, her skill in portraying simple things with style and care, and her characters that transcended time, place, and ethnicity that the initial unfamiliarity faded away, never to return.
I re-read this book every ten years or so when a return to childhood favorites was a better antidote to the world's ills than Xanax, and all this time I didn't know there were sequels. A friend on Goodreads shone a light on my ignorance, and off I went.
Despite the fact that I am now older than dirt, I immediately took to this first sequel as easily as making the reacquaintance of a dear old friend. The story was as fresh, as uncomplicated, and as rewarding as my experience with the original. All my critical faculties, inner editing tendencies, and permanently raised eyebrow disappeared as I read. Nothing had changed, nothing was lessened, or somehow lacking in any regard. The Family is intact, and each member even more developed, dimensional, and interesting. The five girls are growing up, and their baby brother is too, the special and longed-for son who is never obnoxious. Fortunately, there are no lightning bolts of deus ex machina good luck to change their circumstances, and the ability to find happiness in simple pleasures and quotidian tasks remains. Sometimes I wish that were true these days.
You know what? There are other sequels to follow. This is inspiring and welcome during my Golden Years. I should try to find copies of the Betsy/Tacy books, and books written by Lois Lenski...
This is a great story about a family of 5 girls (and later, a little boy), and their adventures at home, in school, and in life. They are firmly but lovingly raised by their mom and dad, who teach them such things as patience, discipline, and personal responsibility.
This was a favorite from my childhood and I wanted to collect them for my grandchildren to enjoy too. I reread this book and it still holds the delights I enjoyed as a child. Wonderful! I will gladly without reservations collect them all and look forward to reading them to the children in the days to come.

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