Cold Steel The Spiritwalker Trilogy Book 3 edition by Kate Elliott Literature Fiction eBooks

Cold Steel The Spiritwalker Trilogy Book 3 edition by Kate Elliott Literature Fiction eBooks
Two or three weeks ago I hit the very last page of Spiritwalker trilogy. After maybe a minute of stupor I said: "What?!" and flipped it over to the very first page of "Cold Magic". Good thing I did it. Second time around that was very different story. Nothing to do with the author - I simply missed many important plot points amidst my blooming binge reading craze as story pulled me in and only thing that mattered was fining out what happens next. Sleep deprivation and very, very tired brain did not help. This time around I went the extra mile and read all coda stories available on Ms. Elliott's website. With extra material thrown together, Spiritwalker trilogy is powerful, well written, fascinating story with reasonably satisfying ending. On more than one occasion I found characters or spirit world or events both fascinating and deeply disturbing. I loved that complexity. Praising overall story does not mean I agree with each plot point or character choice. Though this is story mainly about Cat & Bee, would have been nice to have general idea how cold magic actually works. We do get a hint here and there but never an actual explanation. Furthermore, being sword and sorcery story - at least in my understanding - I find parts pertaining to actual engagements in mortal world a shade weaker than ones dealing with spirit world, though not less ominous. I thoroughly enjoyed wealth of strong female characters, rarely seen diversity and intricate world-building. Crazy mixture of this and that miraculously working thrown together. However, by the end of "Cold Steel" all these remarkably handsome people flashing stunning smiles got old and boring. If everyone are exceptional then no one really stands out. Norm is great equalizer. Therefore, Camjiata stood out like a breath of fresh air with uniquely charismatic personality and devious mind. Speaking of Camjiata, relationship between him and Cat somehow feels incomplete or unfinished. On a completely different note, Rory was priceless. I'd love some Rory related (coda) story. Despite very rocky start - no lying about that - I think Spiritwalker trilogy was well worth my time. I am very glad I pushed through painfully tiresome first part of "Cold Magic" and made it all the way to the end of "Cold Steel". Twice. :) Should there ever be a prequel, sequel or spin-off, I'll gladly dive again into the world of cold magic.
Tags : Cold Steel (The Spiritwalker Trilogy Book 3) - Kindle edition by Kate Elliott. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Cold Steel (The Spiritwalker Trilogy Book 3).,ebook,Kate Elliott,Cold Steel (The Spiritwalker Trilogy Book 3),Orbit,Fantasy - Epic,Fantasy - Historical,AMERICAN SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY,Action & Adventure,Adventure,Epic fiction,Epic fiction.,FICTION Action & Adventure,FICTION Fantasy Epic,FICTION Fantasy Historical,FICTION Science Fiction Steampunk,Fantasy,Fantasy fiction,Fantasy fiction.,Fiction,Fiction - General,Fiction-Fantasy,FictionFantasy - Epic,FictionFantasy - Historical,FictionScience Fiction - Steampunk,GENERAL,General Adult,Industrial Revolution,Magic,Sets, any number,United States,Young women
Cold Steel The Spiritwalker Trilogy Book 3 edition by Kate Elliott Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
Some spoilers to follow
Normally, I'm a big fan of Kate Elliott's books, but the end of this trilogy just wasn't what I was hoping it would be.
I was excited to see how they resolved the cliff-hanger at the end of book two, and was disappointed when the first half of this book consisted of the main characters aimlessly wandering around until they stumbled on Vai and were able to just walk away with him.
The second half of the book was much better than the first, but it focused heavily on the political/revolutionary aspects of the plot, which never interested me in the first two books and didn't really draw me in here. I feel like the magical elements of this world are some of the most fascinating ones I've seen from Elliott yet, and I'm excited by the fantasy elements she's built into this world, but this book's attempts to draw an equivalence between the magic and politics storylines felt flat and forced, which meant that the resolution wasn't as satisfying as it should have been. That said, I enjoyed the book very much, and while it may seem like this review is overly negative, that's just because I had such high expectations after the first two books. If you've already gotten this far, there's no reason not to finish the series.
This is a fun book and a good conclusion to the trilogy, though it wasn't everything I was hoping for; Cold Magic remains my favorite of the three.
Like the first two books, Cold Steel gets off to a rocky start it begins with a dream sequence (!) and the first 100 pages feel a bit frantic and disjointed, as the protagonists hurry back to Europa to get into position for the final installment. Once the plot finds its feet, though, it's good fun, with all the daring escapes, rescues, battles, love scenes, shifting allegiances and political upheaval that one could hope for. The downside is that there's perhaps too much packed into its 600 pages while I don't think of this trilogy as YA, the pacing here is exactly what I wanted as a teen, each new twist raised and resolved within a couple of chapters. But as an adult, whether because of the instant gratification or because the tone is fairly uniform, I found it difficult to get invested the book would be on to a new situation before emotions had time to develop.
The best thing about this book, and the reason I wish I could have loved it, is its thoughtfulness. Its progressive, feminist ethos informs every aspect of the story, keeping it fresh where it might otherwise have been just another fantasy adventure. If you've been looking for an epic fantasy series that's about changing the world rather than maintaining the status quo, this is it. But it's no good-vs-evil story even within the ranks of those who want to upend the caste system, there are divisions and it's unclear who's in the right. I especially appreciated Elliott's leaving the political situation unresolved because progress doesn't end, nor does it reach a point where all major obstacles are overcome.
Meanwhile, it's always a relief to read a fantasy book whose author has clearly thought about her representation of people, through, for instance, having a mostly non-white cast and positive portrayals of women in all walks of life. Cat and Bee both come into their own in this installment, and there's a host of other strong women as well; I would have liked to see some of them developed more, but what's notable is that the book portrays a wide variety of women worthy of respect, rather than one "exceptional" girl (just like real life). Cat's strength comes from both her ability to handle herself in a fight and her success in more traditionally feminine roles (I especially liked her bonding with Andevai's mother and little sisters). Relationships are also handled in interesting ways Bee discovers sex and makes the most of it--which surprised me, though it shouldn't have--while Cat and Andevai have to figure out how to make their marriage work despite sometimes-conflicting goals and loyalties.
But ultimately this is entertainment reading. And it did mostly entertain. It has its weaknesses, such as enemies and powerful figures who seem rather too willing to engage with Cat and Bee on their terms, and some dialogue that sounds more declamatory than natural. But it also has plenty of strengths characters seem like genuine products of their culture and families, for a fast-paced set of books the characters and their relationships are well-developed, and there are moments of real humor. The alternate Earth is fully imagined, with cultures that feel real and complex, and the first book's tendency toward awkward exposition is thankfully reduced here. I even enjoyed the spirit world (an element of fantasy books for which I generally have little patience), which creates a powerful mood but remains mysterious, without bogging down the story.
So in the end I'm rounding up in spite of the fact that, for me, this book skimmed the surface emotionally, because I found much to appreciate here and would like to see more books along this line. For those who have read the first two books, this one provides a satisfying conclusion, and I would recommend this trilogy to those looking for something different in fantasy.
Two or three weeks ago I hit the very last page of Spiritwalker trilogy. After maybe a minute of stupor I said "What?!" and flipped it over to the very first page of "Cold Magic". Good thing I did it. Second time around that was very different story. Nothing to do with the author - I simply missed many important plot points amidst my blooming binge reading craze as story pulled me in and only thing that mattered was fining out what happens next. Sleep deprivation and very, very tired brain did not help. This time around I went the extra mile and read all coda stories available on Ms. Elliott's website. With extra material thrown together, Spiritwalker trilogy is powerful, well written, fascinating story with reasonably satisfying ending. On more than one occasion I found characters or spirit world or events both fascinating and deeply disturbing. I loved that complexity. Praising overall story does not mean I agree with each plot point or character choice. Though this is story mainly about Cat & Bee, would have been nice to have general idea how cold magic actually works. We do get a hint here and there but never an actual explanation. Furthermore, being sword and sorcery story - at least in my understanding - I find parts pertaining to actual engagements in mortal world a shade weaker than ones dealing with spirit world, though not less ominous. I thoroughly enjoyed wealth of strong female characters, rarely seen diversity and intricate world-building. Crazy mixture of this and that miraculously working thrown together. However, by the end of "Cold Steel" all these remarkably handsome people flashing stunning smiles got old and boring. If everyone are exceptional then no one really stands out. Norm is great equalizer. Therefore, Camjiata stood out like a breath of fresh air with uniquely charismatic personality and devious mind. Speaking of Camjiata, relationship between him and Cat somehow feels incomplete or unfinished. On a completely different note, Rory was priceless. I'd love some Rory related (coda) story. Despite very rocky start - no lying about that - I think Spiritwalker trilogy was well worth my time. I am very glad I pushed through painfully tiresome first part of "Cold Magic" and made it all the way to the end of "Cold Steel". Twice. ) Should there ever be a prequel, sequel or spin-off, I'll gladly dive again into the world of cold magic.

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