Summer of the Oak Moon Laura Templeton 9780986279393 Books

Summer of the Oak Moon Laura Templeton 9780986279393 Books
The themes of racial inequality and prejudice in Summer of the Oak Moon are as important today in 2015 as they were in the last century when the novel takes place. How I wish we were only being reminded of the unjust treatment of African Americans in the past instead of seeing behavior like this repeated today. Summer of the Oak Moon is beautifully written. I found the characters and situations believable. Templeton also has a real gift for conveying the setting and it's importance to the over-all story.
Tags : Summer of the Oak Moon [Laura Templeton] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <div>Rejected by the exclusive women’s college she has her heart set on, Tess Seibert dreads the hot,Laura Templeton,Summer of the Oak Moon,Month9Books, LLC,0986279390,Love & Romance,Florida,Interracial dating,Interracial dating;Fiction.,Land tenure,Lane tenure,Man-woman relationships,Prejudices,Prejudices;Fiction.,Science fiction,Secrecy;Fiction.,Children: Grades 4-6,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,JUVENILE NONFICTION Social Topics Prejudice & Racism,Juvenile Fiction,Personal & social issues: racism & multiculturalism (Children's Teenage),Social Topics - Prejudice & Racism,Young Adult Fiction
Summer of the Oak Moon Laura Templeton 9780986279393 Books Reviews
Enjoyed the storyline of this book immensely. The characters were well developed, and you immediately became interested in their story. Strongly recommend to others.
The writing reminded me of The Heart is a Lonely Hunter.
Growing up in the South, I really understood this book on a personal level. I remember being in high school and hearing people in town whispering about the white girl who had a black boyfriend. I immediately recognized those stares and the awkward feeling of knowing people were talking about that couple as soon as Tessa and Jacob became a couple. Laura Templeton captures this perfectly.
Tessa and Jacob go through so much in this story that you really start to wonder whether they will be able to survive or not. And this book is so emotionally charged that you cheer for them through the entire book! I could not put this book down because I had to know how things were going to end between Tessa and Jacob. The emotional roller coaster ride to the end was so worth it!
This is an amazing story that makes you question whether love is really all you need and if true love can really endure all things. You will not be disappointed by this book!
Wow this story really captured my attention, I was totally drawn in right from the first page. Even with the snake, and I don’t like snakes at all.
I started reading this book without even looking to see what it was about. I normally like to know what a book is about and yet this book drew me right in. The only thing I could relate personally in this story is about being 18 in the 1980’s. But that doesn’t matter I lived in the same time period of this book and heard stories like this, the racial tension, I lived out west so it was a little different then down in the south.
I would have to say this book is written well, the author Laura Templeton did such great job on capturing the essence of that time period. I fell in love with both of the characters and how much Tess wanted to change all the wrongs and the hatred. Fell in love with Jacob who just seem to want the right thing, was taught to do the right thing. And who wouldn’t want someone like Lulu to help teach them what she was teaching Tess. That to me is so intriguing right there. Everything about this story was so mesmerizing. You will have to read to find out, can they overcome the hatred and the prejudice of the time? Can they make a right out of a wrong?
I am so glad to have the opportunity to read this book. I can’t wait to read Laura Templeton’s first book
I was given this book in an exchange for an honest review.
You know that feeling when you started reading a book and you didn't expect anything so it surprised you big time? Summer of the Oakmoon surprised me with its emotional depth. From the first chapter, I was already invested in. Tessa is a delightful heroine. I thought that the book being set in 1982 would be a problem but instead, it made the book more readable. The time and setting of the book is perfect with the story and it was a big part of the plot... it was believable and everything is perfectly in place.
Laura Templeton writes such authentic characters. She made me fall hard with Tessa and Jacob in a heartbeat. At first, Tessa is what you expected. She's scared and confused. Dating a black guy is not something you would normally do in their town. Unless you want people raising their eyebrows when they see you or you want to be talked about in such a bad way. But good thing Jacob is brave enough for both of them. Racism was at large at their time and place. I was hurting for Jacob. But also admiring him.
The romance in this book belongs now in the list of my ALL TIME FAVORITES list.
"..he ever so gently tipped my face up to his. “Now, I’m going to kiss you. Then, I’m going to tell you that I love you.” His voice dropped to a husky whisper. “And that’s all that needs to be said."
I was in a emotional rollercoaster and its the first time I'm not complaining. These two went through A LOT and from the moment they saw each other, I'm already rooting for them. I will seriously fight for these amazing characters to be together. Insta love was a no show so that makes me love this book more. Its amazing how Templeton weaved a simple and beautiful love story that will leave a huge impact to your heart.
Laura Templeton grabbed my heart, squeezed and twisted it and then repaired it again. This time, its filled with love and hope. Tessa and Jacob's story is so far from easy. You'll get painful family secrets along the way, disagreeable characters that gets in Jacob and Tessa's way... but all of that will be worth it. With a dash of magic and a lot of love, Summer of the Oakmoon is perfect for readers who is looking for a deep and hopeful novel.
Beautiful intriguing story ,suspense throughout,great use describing scenes. Laura has done an outstanding job in the writing of both her books.I look forward to her next book.
A great read. I became emotionally involved with the characters and took the journey with them.
I laughed, cried and worked through anger with Tess.
I highly recommend this book.
The themes of racial inequality and prejudice in Summer of the Oak Moon are as important today in 2015 as they were in the last century when the novel takes place. How I wish we were only being reminded of the unjust treatment of African Americans in the past instead of seeing behavior like this repeated today. Summer of the Oak Moon is beautifully written. I found the characters and situations believable. Templeton also has a real gift for conveying the setting and it's importance to the over-all story.

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