Delinquents Dusty Book 2 edition by Mary Elizabeth Sarah Elizabeth Literature Fiction eBooks

Delinquents Dusty Book 2 edition by Mary Elizabeth Sarah Elizabeth Literature Fiction eBooks
3.75 stars***There may be mini spoilers for those who have not read the first book Dusty Innocents! Proceed at your own risk!!!***
“Nothing about love is easy.”
Wow these two books are probably some of the most conflicting books I've ever read!
Deliquents begins with Dusty having been gone for a long time, no one knowing where he went. Upon his return Bliss accepts him back into her life the way things had always been between them. Their relationship continues to be a secret, mostly because her parents wouldn't approve. But their love for each other still burns strong, despite Dusty's struggle with drugs.
“It’s not even fair to want someone as heavily and wholly as I crave this person. I feel too small to contain it, and all he did was look at me.”
I enjoyed this book much more than the first book Innocents. I felt the writing was smoother and the plot flowed a lot better. I still don't like the use of nicknames and the way the authors have adjectives as names. And of course I didn't care for the actions of Dusty in this book.
But what made this book better than the first was I began to understand his struggle, I understood his choices a lot more. Plus he was no longer cheating on Bliss and was struggling with his past actions and how they affected Bliss. He really was questioning whether being in her life was good for her, and to me that showed genuine love that he wanted what was best for her.
Ultimately these books have unforgettable characters and a story that will stick with me. It's not a picture perfect book but these aren't perfect characters, so it fits.
“Because I love you.” I refuse to allow fear into my voice. “Because I love you, nobody else will ever touch me. Even though you are constantly touched.”

Tags : Delinquents (Dusty Book 2) - Kindle edition by Mary Elizabeth, Sarah Elizabeth. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Delinquents (Dusty Book 2).,ebook,Mary Elizabeth, Sarah Elizabeth,Delinquents (Dusty Book 2),The Elizabeths, LLC.,FICTION Coming of Age,FICTION Romance Contemporary
Delinquents Dusty Book 2 edition by Mary Elizabeth Sarah Elizabeth Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
This book isn't a stand-alone. Young age to read Dusty Innocence first.
These books may have triggers for some readers. Including the drug usage, along with underage sexual situations.
This book's mostly in Bliss' POV, some Dusty, and a peek into a very unique one that I don't want to spoil.
This book picks up where book one left off.
Bliss is still addicted to Thomas and sugar. Thomas is still addicted to drugs and Bliss.
I wish I could say these characters had some major growth, and came out the other side all sunshine and unicorns.
But sadly...
With an addict that's very rarely the case.
These two are selfish in their own ways, but both honestly have me the love feels.
I mean, come on, they are teenagers. This isn't a fairy tale to where all can be automatically fixed with a HEA and that epilogue that makes them a family.
This is more true to life. Let's face it, Thomas has a mistress of the white powder, and few other kinds.
This is the life of an addict and the people that surround it.
I really did love these books, hard. They have so many feels. An easy read. Grammar and editing through both are almost flawless.
I don't know what else I can say..
Yeah, I do!!
Read these books now!!
I've also seen people say that they've read Low by Mary Elizabeth, so maybe. In my humble opinion, they are nothing alike. Diary and Bliss could of been the Bonnie and Clyde in Low. They had the childhood, the passion, the selfishness, and most important (she, sometimes he) the love to go above and beyond for the other.
Wtf?! That's it?! I'm all for not having a happy ending but what was that? There was no ending at all. I mean after all that heart ache and she gives us nothing?! I mean I get it its not the end and yada yada but come on. There was so much unnecessary randomness and those 2 chapters that made absolutely no sense and we get that nothingness at the end. So disappointed. I could not put these books down but I really wish I'd never started them because I'm left reeling with no emotional bandaid to fix what the author ripped open. They are great but if you need any sort of answers or closure or even just knowing wtf happened then this is not the book for you. If you like feeling broken and vulnerable and wondering wtf then this is a must read. I mean my heart shattered with this book, the emotion was just so strong and if it had any sort of ending I'd be shouting from the rooftops that this book was everything but it just fell flat at the end.
3.75 stars
***There may be mini spoilers for those who have not read the first book Dusty Innocents! Proceed at your own risk!!!***
“Nothing about love is easy.”
Wow these two books are probably some of the most conflicting books I've ever read!
Deliquents begins with Dusty having been gone for a long time, no one knowing where he went. Upon his return Bliss accepts him back into her life the way things had always been between them. Their relationship continues to be a secret, mostly because her parents wouldn't approve. But their love for each other still burns strong, despite Dusty's struggle with drugs.
“It’s not even fair to want someone as heavily and wholly as I crave this person. I feel too small to contain it, and all he did was look at me.”
I enjoyed this book much more than the first book Innocents. I felt the writing was smoother and the plot flowed a lot better. I still don't like the use of nicknames and the way the authors have adjectives as names. And of course I didn't care for the actions of Dusty in this book.
But what made this book better than the first was I began to understand his struggle, I understood his choices a lot more. Plus he was no longer cheating on Bliss and was struggling with his past actions and how they affected Bliss. He really was questioning whether being in her life was good for her, and to me that showed genuine love that he wanted what was best for her.
Ultimately these books have unforgettable characters and a story that will stick with me. It's not a picture perfect book but these aren't perfect characters, so it fits.
“Because I love you.” I refuse to allow fear into my voice. “Because I love you, nobody else will ever touch me. Even though you are constantly touched.”

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